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Green gaskets revolutionizing the industry

Introducing KLINGERSIL - 'the original green' gasket, a testament to KLINGER's commitment to sustainability in sealing technology

Much like a tree is to a forest, KLINGER gaskets are to the industrial sector: integral, essential, and contributing to a larger ecosystem. However, unlike most industrial components, KLINGER's gaskets go a step further - they strive to protect the ecosystem they inhabit.

In an era of growing environmental awareness, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik is spearheading the shift towards sustainable practices in the industrial sector. The journey is defined by a commitment to not just creating high-performance sealing solutions but doing so responsibly. Eco-innovation is not just about producing environmentally friendly products, but also involves redesigning and revolutionizing the way companies operate. As such, KLINGER has committed substantial resources to research and development (R&D) long ago, leading to breakthroughs in the manufacture of more sustainable gaskets.

Contacts mentioned in the article:

» LinkedIn: Barbara Köfinger, Managing Director of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik and KLINGER Germany

» Tel: +43 2252 62599-137 Email:

The birth of the “original green”

In 1982, KLINGER introduced a groundbreaking invention that would change the landscape of sealing technology forever - KLINGERSIL, ‘the original green’ gasket. As the name suggests, its distinct green color represents more than just an aesthetic choice. KLINGERSIL sealing sheets were the result of the commitment to sustainability and new regulations. This fiber-reinforced sealing material offers exceptional mechanical strength, chemical resistance, and thermal stability, while still being environmentally conscious.

Invented in 1982, KLINGERSIL changed the landscape of sealing technology towards a greener future.

Gaskets not only offer superior sealing solutions but also contribute to a greener future. Here is how:

» Material efficiency: Utilization of sustainable and recyclable materials wherever possible. The aim is to minimize waste and promote a circular economy, where resources are reused and not merely discarded.

» Energy-efficient production: Investment in optimization of manufacturing processes to reduce energy consumption, which in turn cuts down greenhouse gas emissions.

» Longer lifespan: Designed to last longer, reducing the need for frequent replacements and hence lessening waste.

» Leak prevention: Meticulously engineered to prevent leaks that could potentially harm the environment.

Reducing the carbon footprint

Eco-friendly solutions should not sacrifice performance or quality; hence the KLINGER team continuously strives to push the boundaries of sustainability. That is why the Group’s R&D efforts are focused on creating gaskets that deliver both exceptional sealing performance and environmental benefits. At the heart of eco-innovation is the pursuit of continuous improvement. As Barbara Köfinger, Managing Director of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik, states,

„Our vision goes beyond just delivering top-quality sealing solutions. We are dedicated to creating products that consider the health of our planet. This is the future of our industry, and KLINGER Dichtungstechnik is proud be part of it.“

Barbara Köfinger, Managing Director of KLINGER Dichtungstechnik and KLINGER Germany

Committed to sustainability

KLINGER’s journey towards eco-innovation is far from over. In 2022, KLINGERSIL celebrated its 40th anniversary. As the Group continues to explore more sustainable practices and technologies to incorporate into its product line and processes, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik is not just about producing high-performance gaskets. By intertwining the commitment to quality and sustainability, KLINGER is crafting a green legacy for generations to come.

Circular economy initiatives

In a recent interview, Barbara highlighted how KLINGER Dichtungstechnik has overcome challenging circumstances, such as raw material shortages and high energy costs, while maintaining its delivery capabilities and even increasing production. She emphasized the company's commitment to energy monitoring. KLINGER Dichtungstechnik demonstrates its commitment to environmental responsibility through various sustainable manufacturing practices, including:

» Active pallet recycling

» Sorting and recycling of industrial plastic waste

» Calenders equipped with energy-efficient components

» Transformation of used machine lubricants into high-quality base oils

These initiatives highlight KLINGER's proactive approach to sustainability, ensuring a greener and more efficient manufacturing process.

A "greener" production

Battle against counterfeiting

While the KLINGERSIL range of fiber-reinforced gaskets stands out in terms of quality, it is not just about being "green" in the ecological sense. These gaskets are the original, the authentic, the ones that set the standard in the industry. They embody the trusted KLINGER quality and stand as a testament to expertise, innovation, and integrity.

The original green stands for high quality performance.

Avoiding environmental harm

In a market saturated with counterfeit products, KLINGER Dichtungstechnik underscores the importance of using authentic KLINGER products. Counterfeit gaskets can not only lead to operational issues but also contribute to environmental harm due to inferior quality and shorter lifespans.

As Barbara notes, “Choosing the original KLINGERSIL ensures not only top-quality performance but also the assurance that you're supporting our efforts towards a more sustainable and responsible industry. When you opt for 'the original green', you're choosing a product that stands for authenticity, performance, and environmental responsibility.”

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Are KLINGER gaskets made from recycled materials?
While not all KLINGER gaskets are made from recycled materials, the KLINGER Group is dedicated to incorporating sustainable components and reducing the company’s carbon footprint throughout the manufacturing process.

Can I recycle off-cuts?
Yes, many of the KLINGERSIL materials are recyclable. The KLINGER Group encourages proper disposal and recycling of KLINGER products to minimize environmental impact.

How does KLINGER ensure the authenticity of its gaskets?
KLINGER takes counterfeiting seriously and employs rigorous quality control measures. Always purchase from authorized KLINGER distributors to guarantee genuine products.

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