Today for tomorrow
Leading in static sealing solutions

Sales & Technical support

As the industry’s preferred partner for the production and development of high-quality soft sealing materials, our sales and technical support combines unsurpassed material know-how with world-class application expertise.

KLINGER Dichtungstechnik offers a wide range of CNAF, PTFE, graphite and mica materials for sealing applications. We are the industry leader with regard to the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO). 

Our actions are defined by the individual needs of our customers. Perceiving them as our partners, we provide best service from the first point of contact onwards. This is not limited to product selection and subsequent purchases, but extends along the entire service life of our products and solutions. As a consequence, our services also cover the implementation phase as well as maintenance and technical support.

Our sales team will gladly support you:

Barbara Köfinger
Managing Director
Phone: +43 2252 62599 109

Kurt Bussecker
Sales Director
Phone: +43 2252 62599 170

Wolfgang Kohlbacher
Area Sales Manager (CEE, Western Europe)
Phone: +43 2252 62599 134

Michael Vlcek
Sales Administration
Phone: +43 2252 62599 138

Elisabeth Kugler
Sales Administration
Phone: +43 2252 62599 130

Sabine Eberhardt
Marketing Website & CEO / Sales Administration
Phone: +43 2252 62599 137

The KLINGER global network of companies ensures that our materials and services are available wherever you are, whenever you need them.

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